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CHIPS offers 1-on-1 personalized instruction and technology through great teachers who are dedicated to helping students succeed! We also provide Teacher & Technology Training!

CHIPS tutorial coaching is custom-designed to help students with math, reading and critical thinking using learning strategies that help build confidence and competence. We also support RTI & IEPs.

An all-time favorite! CHIPS computer camps offer engaging and interactive learning games, cool apps and activities! Great for after-school, school breaks and summer camp edutainment!

Looking for that perfect after-school learning solution? CHIPS offers great teachers who care, and interactive learning activities and apps that automatically adjust to the learner!

Need help creating that special school project, paper, presentation or portfolio? We can help with ideas, creativity, data, research, reports, college prep and school to work resources!

Need help going from school to work, college, business or career? Our InternCHIPS program can help you with job co-op, shadowing, training, networking, life skills training and more!