​Employers Register FREE! Post jobs, find talent and benefit!
Students Register FREE! Explore, train, job shadow and work.
"Empowering students from school to work"
Talent, Training & Transition by CHIPS Learning Services
InternChips.com is an internship website and database that matches high school students to companies for career-related job experience. The platform provides career and technical training (eLearning) resources to help prepare students for workforce. InternChips.com serves both companies and students, enhancing workforce preparedness by connecting employers and future job-seekers earlier in the skill-building process. Companies post jobs for students to work at their companies, while students search for jobs that are career-related and hands-on, offering great work-based learning and job experience! The benefits are many.

Tutoring, Coaching and Mentoring
Larenz Tate helping troubled youth BLOOM | S2SMagazine.com
s2smagazine.com. He's more than just a handsome face; Larenz Tate is taking steps to help improve the lives of minority teens.

Interviewing and Public Speaking

Resume Writing and Communications

FAQ, Videos, Links & Other Resources
Click here for InternChips"soft-skills" career and technical education training delivered via classroom, online or as mobile eLearning-To-Go!