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"Empowering students from school to work"
Talent, Training & Transition by CHIPS Learning Services
We "CHIP In" to help students with work-based learning!
Our employers "CHIP In" to "hire and inspire" students!
We are proud to promote our portolio of employers who know the real value and benefit of supporting students. We work to match talented, trained and tech savvy students with empowering companies, for career learning success! (Please check back for more listings.)

"CHIP In" and help students go from school to work more successfully!

Job Shadowing
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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and

Orhtodontics 423.894.6318 Chattanooga Office • 6820 Lee Highway • Chattanooga, TN 37421 South Pittsburg Office • 1903 S. Cedar • South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Signal Mountain Office • 899 Ladder Trail • Signal Mountain, TN 37377

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
Join in to help "hire and inspire" high school students! "CHIP In" and help students with work-based learning !
We are proud of our portfolio of employers who know the benefits of hiring our interns. We provide talented interns--students who are well educated and trained, then matched with empowering companies for career learning success! (Please check back for additional listings.) BLS, JobShadow.com, HowTo Tips, LocalSME'Blog, BLS, JobShadow.com, HowTo Tips, LocalSME Blog, MiddleCollege Students Prospects